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DanceFest Recital Checklist


Updated: May 11, 2021

DanceFest Recital for our young dancers is such an exciting experience. Below are some important reminders for you and your dancer. This checklist helps you prepare, and helps your dancer look and dance beautifully!


Hair must be up in a slick bun. All bangs must be straight back off the face for a “dancer look.” No parts please. Use lots of hair spray or gel. The bun should be placed at the crown of the head as seen below.

Use a hair net to keep all the fly away hairs in and lots of bobby pins!

If your child has thick hair do not use a "donut"/ bun maker. It will make the bun HUGE! Only use a donut on thin hair.

HERE is a tutorial from Mary Lorraine herself if you need help!


Neutral colored eye shadow like a light brown, mascara, blush, and rose colored lips. We want them to look like healthy children, not adults.

No glitter makeup or glitter hairspray please. No bright red or dark lipstick.


Before the Big Day: A couple days before make sure the costume is hung up, tutu is fluffed, and there are no wrinkles. You can use the shower steam to steam out costumes! Make sure any required sewing is completed.

Day of Performance: Wear your costume and hair piece with performance hair and makeup to morning dress rehearsal and the performance. Make sure the hair piece is securely placed with extra bobby pins. Wear a cover up, like your dad's big shirt. Never eat or drink in costume! Only water. Have a good nutritious breakfast before putting on your costume.

If you are in two dances or more for DanceFest have your sack with your other costume complete with the shoes, tights, costume, and hair piece for the dance. Make sure this bag is labeled.


Ballet tights should be full footed, ballet pink, and not shimmery or shiny.

Tan colored tights should be bought from our front desk so we all match.

No undies on under costumes.

Make sure you tights are clean without any marks on it.

Correct Shoe and Tight Colors
Correct Shoe & Tight Colors


No colored fingernail polish.

No earrings or other jewelry, no visible body piercing or tattoos.


Pink ballet shoes for ballet dances. Tan tap shoes with tan elastic.

Ballet shoe strings should be tied and taped under the shoe so they don't come out and become a hazard.


Label all shoes, costume pieces and tights with first initial and last name.

We can't wait to see you at DanceFest! Don't forget to sign up for our summer classes and camps! Go HERE to learn more about summer classes!



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