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Affordable Dance Classes

in Omaha 

Mary Lorraine's Dance Center is one of the most affordable dance schools in Omaha.

Our year is September to May with four quarters. This is a total of 32 weeks of lessons, with a separate summer session. 

Prices are quarterly (4 times per year). There are 8 weeks of classes per quarter. Each class meets once per week. Add up the number of hours of class per week your family takes to use the rate chart. Family and multiple class discounts are included in the rate chart:

Contemporary dancers from Omaha Dance Studio

Quality Dancing. Affordable Pricing. Since 1990

to start



Registration Fee

This non-refundable fee is per FAMILY. It holds your dancers' spot in the class and helps with beginning of the year studio expenses. 

 Quarterly Rates
(8 lessons)

45 min - $92 per 8 week quarter

1 hour - $102 per 8 week quarter

1.25 hours - $117 per 8 week quarter

1.5 hours (1 class)-$122 per 8 week quarter

1.5 hours (2 classes)-$169 per 8 week quarter

1.75 hours - $176 per 8 week quarter

2 hours - $184 per 8 week quarter

Add $14 for each 15 minutes after 2 hours.

Concert Fee

This is due December 1st and is per FAMILY. This helps cover theater rental and production costs. As of June 2023 this includes practice music. 

Costume fee is separate and dependent on type of class. Costumes are reasonably priced.

Due October 6th. 


Media Fee
Due December 1st. You will receive a digital link to all of the concerts' videos This is $20 per dancer with a $40 cap per family.
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